What is Labor Day, Election Public Service, ‘Mr. Baseball’ at 90, Elvis at 89, Rainbow Bridge Pet Memories, Mega Millions & More


Observed the first Monday in September, Labor Day is an annual celebration of the social and economic achievements of American workers. The holiday is rooted in the late nineteenth century, when labor activists pushed for a federal holiday to recognize the many contributions workers have made to America’s strength, prosperity, and well-being.



(In fact, a Democrat friend asked me today to help him better understand what’s going on since he knew he wasn’t getting the true story from Youtube, where he gets his news. )

☀ This is a public service  for anyone interested . Set yourself and our dear United States up for success!

We’ve been following the election run up pretty closely. We always try to keep an open mind just like a lot of my mentors did  – REAL journalists like  like Walter Cronkite , Tim Russert and even my high school journalism teacher, who always insisted that I report equally on both sides of news stories. (She would even get very upset if I didn’t interview people from both sides of issues-and she was correct.)

We watch , read and listen to just about everything I can get my hands or eyes on and I’ve been pretty troubled lately to see a lot of one-sided reporting like I’ve never seen before. I’m certainly not going to tell you who to vote for but I will just suggest you keep an open mind and consider the sources and not just the same  one or two.

  I believe that we’re living in a very dangerous time during which many people are unaware by not taking the time to dig deep and search out the real news or because they are listening to only one or two sources. And, I totally understand because until the last 5 or 10 years I never took the time to really investigate what we were reading and learning on the news. Or was too busy with other things and didn’t really care. Many today are getting their news through social media like tick tock which is anything but balanced reporting. But now is the time to care. We’re living In a nuclear age for the first time – the first  time when Our Lives can be snuffed out in minutes with little or no warning.

Trump adds former Democrats RFK Jr and Tulsi Gabbard to transition team

Never before in my life have I seen our Administration turn against our number one Ally in the world, Israel, after suffering their own ‘9-11.’  This has resulted in a year-long war in the mid East like nothing since World War II.

We’ve seen a seemingly never-ending war in Russia – Ukraine . It probably would have never started in the first place with stronger leadership. Then, an assassination attempt that was totally botched by an inept Secret Service that only got lucky because Trump turned his head, the details of which have still not fully been reported or ignored by mainstream media and slow-walking investigators. None of the guilty were even fired , only a handful put on paid-leave.

I am an independent,  neither a Democrat nor Republican but more of a ‘ no labels’ kind of person- I always looked up to to former Democrat Joe Lieberman , who started ‘No Labels,’ but, sadly, passed away recently. May the truth  be told, regardless of party. Source your information, double check and triple check in this era of  opinion news and ‘fake news’ (over 70% no longer trust the news, according to a Harvard study , below)


Journalists and politicians have become ensnared in a symbiotic web of lies that misleads the public.’ (Peter Vanderwicken, Harvard Business Review) – Some of these connections are dated but they set up what we have today – and non wonder ratings don’t matter to them


‘Much of what appears in the press as business news is corporate propaganda.’ continues VANDERWICKEN

Last Friday, RFK Jr held an significant press conference during which I learned  a lot from and you may, too, below

TRANSCRIPT of Robert F Kennedy Jr speech 8-23-24:

(Please note below transcription was done electrically and there are some points that were not transcribed correctly. We tried to fix them as best we could).

“Democracy today is a little more than a slogan for at least one of the political parties to throw me and other candidates off the ballot and try to throw president Trump in jail . It ran a sham primary that was rigged to prevent any serious challenge . The same shadowy DNC operatives appointed his successor (Kamala Harris) – also without an election- they install the candidate who was so unpopular voters that she dropped out in 2020 without winning a single delegate.

“My uncle and my father both relished debate, ‘  continued RFK Jr in a 35-minute press conference by independent candidate Robert F Kennedy Jr in Phoenix outlining the current state of affairs, as in these excerpts:

“President Trump, who actually was nominated and won an election, also does interviews daily.  How did the Democratic party choose a candidate (Kamala Harris)  who has never done an interview or debate during the entire election cycle.  We know the answers . They did it by weaponizing the government agencies .   The Democratic Party… has kept me and others from free expression and that’s the very right upon which all of our other constitutional rights rest.  Vladimir Putin’s 88% landslide in Russian elections observing that Putin and his party controlled the Russian press and that is serious opponents from appearing on the ballot. For year in America the DNC also prevented opponents from appearing on the ballot and our television networks expose themselves over the course of more than a year in a campaign where my poll numbers reached at times in the high 20s. On Fox I gave 34 interviews ; in contrast, during the 16 months since I declared ABC NBC CBS MSNBC and CNN combined gave only two live interviews for me.    The Democratic Party… has kept me and others from free expression and that’s the very right upon which all of our other constitutional rights rest.     I’ll just take a moment to ask you to consider the many ways do you have a free press to safeguard democracy’. 



Secret Service problem was not being fixed- 3 Problems:

1) technology -they rely on yesterday’s technology tomorrow

  1.   they thought they could do more with last but they did less with more

3 they should not be doing criminal investigations which takes away from their real mission of security

Was Thomas Crooks the Lee Harvey Oswald of 2024 without the results ? Who was he working for with all his foreign  connections? The $3 billion dollar Secret Service Agency was outsmarted by this 20 year old kid with little resources. Nothing has changed at the FBI, nobody has been fired and they’re supposed investigation is being slow walked and Congress is not doing anything other than a small group of Republicans headed by Chip Roy, Matt Gaetz , Andy Biggs, etc  A successful assassination could happen soon without more being done and now! IS THIS INCOMPETENCE OR INTENT?

One big incestuous family

Zuckerberg now admits that Facebook may have cost the Republicans the election in 2020 when he wrongly censored the hunter laptop story as well as gave $400 million dollars to the Democratic cause

Top 11 Reasons Why President Trump Won The 2020 Election and 31 More Add Up to Absolute Proof

Grandma jailed for defying Walz’s COVID rules issues stark warning: ‘America needs to know’


The Jewish state is fighting for its survival & we cannot forget our commitment to Israel in this war against evil. Join us: rjchq.co/bfx 



‘I can’t believe I got to my batting average’ — ‘Mr Baseball’ celebrates 90


Enjoying the great Bob Uecker broadcasting still for the 1st place Milwaukee Braves following a COUPLE YEARS of surgeries and losing his daughter and It was only like Bob to ask his Partners a philosophical/scientific question right during the baseball game about who came up with the number of months and weeks and days in a year.

Enjoying the great Bob Uecker broadcasting still for the 1st place Milwaukee Braves beating the SF Gia ts and It was only like Bob to ask ‘For you computer people’ his Partners a philosophical/scientific question right during the baseball game about who came up with the number of months and weeks and days in a year.

We have an answer! Ueker partner c hecked and found Julius Caesar and partners responsible but still  no answer why some months have 31 and one only 29 days.  pope Gregory 13 changed calendar from 365 1/4 days to 365 with the help of a leap Day every four years

see MLB article

Cotati World Famous Accordian Fest 2024


ELVIS SiGHTINGS! Elvis came back to offer the nation a much needed shot of patriotism in an unannounced, rare appearance July 4 in San Pablo, Ca . He sang ‘American Trilogy’ before disappearing in a puff of pink , then resurfacing moments later in Vegas with his pink caddy to officiate at a wedding, and then disappearing for good, we are told . Don’t believe it? Here’s a bit of tape. Elvis appears looking good for 89 or even 78! Was this a message from above? Rumors that Elvis might run for President were quickly squashed as he was gone in a flash, not to be heard from again >>>


Elvis made a rare appearance in San Pablo CA July 4 a decade ago and shared his patriotism.


And who says oldies acts from the ’50s and ’60s aren’t still popular? The Beach Boys- all in their ’80s now- were the only act to sell out the Sacramento State Fair -and weeks in advance . And, as noted earlier, the oldies radio format is No 1 in Los Angeles

The fairs and most venues are not booking the old exacts anymore With rare exception like the Sacramento State Fair which has Patti LaBelle And vanilla Ice -Not exactly oldies.  venues Are missing the boat Because the most popular family entertainment according to all surveys are oldies music – which Appeals to all ages.

Elvis Record 200 Weeks on Billboard 200 with ELVIS 30 #1 HITS

Top 40 Radio, Notable ‘Color Radio’ KEWB, Came to Oakland 65 Years Ago | OldiesCountry https://oldiescountry.com/top-40-radio-notable-color-radio-kewb-came-to-oakland-65-years-ago/

Wolfman Jack would tour like a rockstar doing liv e car shows and hops like Modesto Graffiti fest, Alameda Hotrod Duner, Shaboom Pleasanton- DJing the old tunes he LIVED. Read his book ‘The Confessions of the original Rock Roll Animal’ https://amzn.to/3Rafzpb  WOLFMAN LIVES in the music and memories in OldiesCountry and RockandRollHeaven


Remembering a lot of family members on Rainbow bridge Remembrance Day Aug 28 gone to the great beyond but still somehow commanding a command performance around the Katz house and Tiki garden or when out in the ’63 Chrysler Imperial, .pictured here all back together: Roscoe, Joan, Pucky, Don, Weepy, Victor, Mikey, Juicy and Dorian and Ornji inside driving. Got to get a bigger car to add more recent additions Zippy, Orange Julius and Zack/Jackie the Corona King. Miss them all and lucky to still have 16 year old Pinky and newcomers Archie, 13 and Oreo, 1 to add to the the ‘living memories’ and sharing those still lasting good vibes from their older ‘cousins’

Here’s to all our AND YOUR wonderful furry friends we remember on  this day of Rainbow Bridge

remembrance. Can’t imagine life without them!

Backyard friends

Animal Rescue

MUSIC- BAD RECORDS: WORST EVER TOP 40 Song? And Oakland’s Answer to Sam Cooke Record

Worst Top 40 Record from the ‘Golden Era’ ? And Oakland’s Answer to Sam Cooke

Very few records from the 60s and 50s  and even the 70s and 80s we do not care for but there is one that not only  we don’t like but have no idea why anybody else would like it . It’s just a repetitive mess with virtually no melody or distinguishable lyrics and there is no redeeming value-You probably heard it as it was a 1 No. 17 Billboard  hit in 1963, normally a   good year for music, and it’s called El Watusi by Ray Barretto. click here to HEAR it – Also, Oakland’s answer to Sam Cooke record



Most CA 99 Cents Only Stores To Reopen As Dollar Trees

-Dollar Tree announced Wednesday that it acquired rights to leases of 170 previously shuttered 99 Cents Only stores.


Dollar Tree now $7 tree

14 Things People Don’t Tell You About Aging >

Robin Williams Remembered on Mrs Doubtfire set by Sally Fields and young Lisa Jakub – Only GOOD NEWS

SF Giants’ Tyler Fitzgerald was hitting 1 homer in 6 at bats, now 1 in 10 still  lower than Ruth, Bonds.

He only hit 1 homer in 25 at bats in easier minors. (NO MORE DRUG TESTING IN BASEBALL) Deja vu all over again for SF Giants. ( He says its ‘mental concentration’)

Watch “5 signs your cat loves you #shorts #cat #funny” on YouTube

Oldies Still Most popular Radio Format – at keast in Los Angeles https://buff.ly/4cI3y2X

WILLIE MAYS Remembered- Celebration of Life at San Francisco Oracle Park 7-8-24